KRYPTIN CHAT : Encrypted Secure Chat
"Freiheit ist mein Geburtsrecht"
The world today is filled with entities ranging from rogue governments to part-time hackers to Stasi style organizations with unlimited powers and billionaire owned companies with God-like powers and reach. To them you are just the little cockroach that lives in their kitchen, to be watched, monitored, tracked and "for your own safety, sir" kept on a leash from birth to burial.

And yes, every intrusive "kick in your digital door" act is supported by some obscure laws which tend to be named by sweet little cynical names such as "Protection of Freedoms Law". There are intrusive organizations and companies worldwide that make the poor old Stasi (Staatssicherheit) with their wiretaps look like boy scouts in comparison.
Big name Chat apps siphon off your information to offer to their know-everything data monster super computers that already hold massive amounts of information about you. Every single one of them has a 'Privacy Policy' that is pages and pages and pages long that no one ever can understand or decipher. Every single arrogant and intrusive act is sugar coated with a cynical and sweet sounding phrase that typically overuses words such as 'special', 'patriotic', 'freedom' 'safety', etc. You can fill your house with AR-15s and still be as helpless as the proverbial cockroach.
And even worse, everything you say is stored on their servers till whenever the need arises for them or their whatever chummy 'affiliated' official organization somewhere in the world takes an interest in your little life.
KRYPTIN Encrypted Secure Chat (VESCH) fulfils an urgent need worldwide:
A simple communication app that protects what you say in your private communications.
KRYPTIN Chat does NOT do a lot of things, it just does a few things which it does exceptionally well. It encrypts your messages, sends it via our server to your recipient, it is decrypted on your recipient's phone, and as soon as your recipient gets it , it is deleted from our server forever. The only place those messages exist are on your phone and that of the person you are chatting with.
KRYPTIN Chat is allowing only two types of files for transmission as attachments, Images and PDFs.

Your KRYPTIN account is never connected to your phone number. You can simply create an email anywhere you want and use that email to create a FREE account, and you are good to go.
KRYPTIN Chat does not have a PC version because no matter what anyone tells you, these environments are hard to secure.
This is a minimalistic CHAT + IMAGES + PDFs program that is highly protected by asymmetric encryption so that the messages cannot be read by anyone in the middle, besides they are never saved on the server, the option to back up messages or save messages on the server does not even exist. We do not use any external API for this purpose.
You can delete your account from our server and your messages from your phone in a few seconds in the event of any emergent situation.
At this time KRYPTIN Chat does not support voice, this may be offered in future IF we are able to make sure that it is uninterceptable.
The Free version allows you to communicate in an unlimited manner with upto 10 users and to have 3 groups. The Free version includes Google Ads to help us keep pay for operational expenses. The PRO version has no limits on users and groups and does not have any Ads.
Download the KRYPTIN ENCRYPTED SECURE CHAT APP today and take it for a spin.
Please send all your suggestions for improvement to support@KRYPTIN.com
How to Use KRYPTIN Chat
It is simple as pie. You enter an email address (any email address is fine) and a password and create an account, verify your email and you are all set. You can login now. You can search for a user by username, and just say 'Hello' and if the other person accepts, the chat session starts. You can also create a group and add users to it. The usage is similar to any chat app.
You may ask, why do we need your email address? To keep you informed or any changes. To send you a password re-set if you lose your password.